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5 Essential Qualities of a Great Tester

What makes you a great tester? Whether you’re responsible for website testing, app testing or any other form of QA, certain skills and qualities are essential for a good software tester. We take a look at…

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5 Ways Testing Can Improve Your Digital Customer Experience

Combining both Customer Experience (customer service, advertising, brand reputation) with User Experience (usability, interaction design), the Digital Customer Experience looks to understand and improve how people engage with your brand online. With an ever-changing digital landscape…

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Learning Management Systems: Challenges and Approaches

Having recently taken a look at the testing and QA challenges for eLearning modules, we now turn our attention to the Learning Management Systems (LMS) that underpin the digital learning process. LMSs have been widely used…

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eLearning Courses: Testing and QA considerations

Whether it’s for industry, education or personal development, online learning and eLearning courses and assessments have become a common practice for most of us. Here at Zoonou, we have worked with a large range of digital…

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